Making the City on Her Scale!
Dr Milena Vukmirovic, PhD Arch
Milena Ivkovic. MSc Arch
Nina Krcum, MSc Arch
What is the event about?
MAAT Youth Policy Lab on Gender Inclusive Cities aims to explore in a workshop setting the experiences of women in urban contexts, and highlight the main differences from men's experiences in these contexts.
The YPL workshop will take place on the 19th of May, at the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Belgrade.
The workshop is primarily aimed at the junior years' students of landscape and urban design of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Forestry, but a limited number of seats for students of other design - related Faculties ( e.g. Architecture, Indsutrial Design, Spatial Planning) is open.
If interested, please contact
Dr. Milena Vukmirovic at milena.vukmirovic@sfb.bg.ac.rs or Placemaking Western Balkans Association office at officebgd@placemakingweb.org
The MAAT project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The Youth Policy Lab workshop and all its contents reflect only the views of the organisers, the European Commisssion cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.